District Policy Manual
- Section A - Foundation and Basic Commitments
- Section B - Board Governance and Operations
- Section C - General School Administration
- Section D - Fiscal Management
- Section E - Support Services
- Section F - Facilities Development
- Section G - Personnel
- Section H - Negotiations
- Section I - Instruction
- Section J - Students
- Section K - Community Relations
- Section L - Education Agency Relations
Section A - Foundation and Basic Commitments
AB - The people and their school district
ACA - Nondiscrimination on the basis of sex
ACAAA - Staff complaint procedures for harassment
ACAAB - Student complaint procedure for harassment
ACAA-E-1 - Harassment complaint form
ACAA-E-2 - Letter on Harassment policy
ACAB - Sexual and Sex-Based Harassment and Retaliation
ACA-R - Nondiscrimination on the basis of sex under Title IX Including Sex-Based Harassment
AC-E - Complaint procedure for discrimination
ACE - Nondiscrimination on the basis of disability
ACGA - Civil Rights Grievance Procedure
ACGB - Title IX Sexual Discrimination Grievance Procedure
AC-R - Nondiscrimination policy including harassment and retaliation
ADA - School district goals and objectives
ADB - Drug-Free workplace (also GBEC)
ADC - Smoking on school premises
ADDA - Criminal background checks
ADDA-E-1 - Information concerning the process in correcting a criminal record
Section B - Board Governance and Operations
BA - School committee operational goals
BAA - Evaluation of school committee operational procedures
BB - School Committee legal status
BBA - School Committee powers and duties
BBAA - School Committee member authority
BBAA/BBBB - School Committee member qualifications/Oath of Office
BBBC - School Committee member resignation
BBBE - Unexpired term fulfillment
BCA - School Committee member ethics
BDA - School Committee organizational meeting
BDB - School Committee officers
BDD - School Committee - Superintendent Relationship
BDE - Subcommittee of the school committee
BDF - Advisory committees to the school committee
BDFA-E - School Improvement Plan
BE - School Committee Meetings
BEDA - Notification of School Committee Meetings
BEDH - Public Participation at School Committee Meetings
BEE - Special procedures for conducting hearings
BG - School Committee policy development
BGC - Policy Revision and Review
BGD - School Committee review of procedures
BHC - School Committee staff communications (also GBD)
BHE - Use of electronic messaging by school committee members
BIA - New school committee member orientation
BIBA - School Committee conferences, conventions and workshops
Section C - General School Administration
CBD - Superintendent's contract
CBI - Evaluation of the superintendent
CE - Administative concils, cabinets and committees
CF - School building administation
CHA/CHC - Development and dissemination of procedures
CHCA - Approval of handbooks and directives
CHCA-E - Approval of handbooks and directives
Section D - Fiscal Management
DBC - Budget deadlines and schedules
DBG - Budget adoption procedures
DBJ - Budget transfer authority
DD - Grants, proposals and special projects
DEC - Federal funds supplement not supplant policy
DGD-E - Credit card issuance agreement
DH - Bonded employees and officers
Section E - Support Services
EBA - Building and grounds inspection
EBC-S - Policy on covid related issues
EC - Buildings and grounds management
ECA - Building and grounds security
ECAF - Security cameras in schools
ECE - Traffic and parking controls
EDC - Authorized use of school-owned materials
EEA - Student transportation services
EEAE - School bus safety program
EEA-E - Transportation change request form
EEAEA - Bus driver examination and training
EEAEA-1 - Drug and alcohol testing for school bus and commercial vehicle drivers
EEAEB - Drug and alcohol testing for school bus and commercial vehicle drivers
EEAEC - Student conduct on school buses (also JICC)
EEAEC-R - Student conduct on school buses (also JICC-R)
EEAG - Student transportation in private vehicles
EEAJ - Policy regarding motor vehicle idling on school grounds
EFC - Universal Free School Meals
EFD - School Nutrition Program Charge Policy
EFD-1 - School meals program student meals account balance form
EFE - Civil Rights Complaint Policy for Child Nutrition Programs
Section F - Facilities Development
Section G - Personnel
GBA - Equal employment opportunity
GBB - Staff involvement in decision making
GBD - School committee staff communications (also BHC)
GBEA - Staff ethics/conflict of interest
GBEBC - Gifts to and solicitations by staff
GBEBD - Online Fundraising and Solicitations-Crowdfunding
GBEC - Drug-Free workplace (also ADB)
GBED - Tobacco use on school property by staff members
GBEE - Personnel Use of Technology
GBGB - Staff personal security and safety
GBI - Staff participation in political activities
GBK - Staff complaints and grievances
GCA - Professional staff positions
GCBA - Professional staff salary schedules
GCBB - Employment of principals
GCCC - Professional staff family and medical leave
GCCC-E - Family and medical leave
GCD - Professional staff vacations and holidays
GCE - Professional staff recruiting/posting of vacancies
GCEC - Posting of professional staff vacancies
GCF - Professional staff hiring
GCG - Substitute professional staff employment
GCGA - Substitute professional staff employment
GCIA - Philosophy of staff development
GCJ - Professional teacher status
GCK - Professional staff assignments and transfers
GCL - Professional staff time schedules
GCMC - Professional staff meetings
GCO - Evaluation of professional staff
GCO-R-1 - Evaluation of professional staff
GCO-R-2 - Evaluation of professional staff teachers
GCRO-R-3 - Evaluation of teachers and administators
GCQF - Suspension and dismissal of professional staff members
GDCC - Support staff family and medical leave
GDCC-E - Family and medical leave
GDD - Support staff vacations and holidays
GDE - Support staff recruiting/posting of vacancies
GDJ - Support staff assignments and transfers
GDK - Support staff time schedules
Section H - Negotiations
Section I - Instruction
IC/ICA - School year/school calendar
IGA/IGD - Curriculum Development and Adoption
IGB - Support services programs
IHA - Basic instructional program
IHA-E - Basic instructional program
IHAM-1 - Parental notification relative to sex education
IHAM-1-E - Sample notice to parent/guardian
IHAM-R - Health education exemption procedure
IHAMA - Teaching about drugs, alcohol and tobacco
IHAMB - Teaching about drugs, alcohol and tobacco
IHB - Special instructional programs and accomodations
IHBA - Programs for students with disabililites
IHBAA - Observation of special education programs
IHBEA - English language learners
IHBG-E-1 - Notice of Intent to Pursue a Program of Home Education
IHBG-E-2 - Home School Evaluation
IHBH - Alternative school programs
IHD - Adult/community education
IJ-R - Reconsideration of instructional resources
IJJ - Textbook selection and adoption
IJK - Supplementary materials selection and adoption
IJL - Library materials selection
IJL-E - Request for reconsideration of materials
IJM - Special interest materials selection and adoption
IJND - Access to Digital Resources
IJNDB - Use of Technology in Instruction
IJNDB-E - Computing Ethics - Student/Parents Acceptable Use Policy Contract
IJNDB-R - Acceptable use policy - technology
IJNDC - Acceptable Use of Digital Resources
IJNDC-R - Website guidelines and procedures for approval
IJNDD-Policy on Facebook and Social Networking Websites
IJOB - Community resource person/speakers
IKAB - Student progress reports to parents/guardians
IKE - Promotion and retention of students
ILBA - District program assessments
IMB - Teaching about controversial issues/controversial speakers
Section J - Students
JB - Equal educational opportunities
JEC - Kindergarten school admissions
JFA - School admissions/residency
JFA-E-2 - Responsible adult Affadavit
JFA-R - School admissions/residency
JFABB - High school foreign exchange student policy
JFABC - Admissions of transfer students
JFABD - Homeless students: Enrollment rights and services
JFABE - Educational opportunities for military children
JFABF - Educational opportunities for children in foster care
JFBB-E - School choice application
JFC - Rights of 16-21 year old students
JH - Student absences and excuses
JHD - Exclusion and exemptions from school attendance
JH-E - Student absences due to religious beliefs
JI - Student rights and responsibilities
JIB - Student involvement in decision-making
JICC - Student conduct on school buses
JICC-R - Student conduct on school buses
JICF - Gang activity/secret societies
JICFB-E - Bullying prevention and Intervention plan
JICFB-E-1 - Bullying, Harassment, or Intimidation Reporting Form
JICFB-E-2 - Bullying, Harrassment, or Intimidation Investigation Form
JICFB-E-3 - Bullying Follow-up Letter
JICFC - Student to student harassment
JICH - Alcohol, tobacco and drug use by students is prohibited
JICH-E - Alcohol, drug policy and procedures
JICHA - Admission to school functions
JICJ - Student Use of Technology in Schools
JICJA - Cell Phones & Personal Electronic Devices
JII - Student complaints and grievances
JJ - Co-Curricular and extracurricular activites
JJ-E - Co-Curricular and extracurricular activities
JJE - Student participation in fundraising activities
JJF - Student Activity Accounts
JJF-E-1 - Student activities funds management
JJF-E-2 - Student activities accounts policies and procedures
JJH-R - Student travel regulations
JJIB - Interscholastic athletics
JJIF - Suspected sports related head injury/concussion approval form
JJIF-E-1 - Pre-participation head injury/concusion reporting form for extracurricular activies
JJIF-E-2 - Report of head injury during sports season
JJIF-E-3 - Post sports-related head injury medical clearance
JKAA - Physical restraints of students
JKAA-E - Physical restraint report form
JKF - Special education student discipline
JLA - Student insurance program
JLC - Student health services and requirements
JLCA - Physical examinations of students
JLCB - Innoculations of students
JLCCA-E - Aids school attendance policy
JLCD - Administering medicines to students
JLCD-R - Policies and procedures for governing the administration of medication
JLCDA - Life threatening allergies
JLCDA-E - Life threatening allergies
JLCE - First aid and emergency medical care
JLCD - Administering medicines to students
JLCD-R - Policies and procedures governing administration of medication
JLCDA - Life threatening allergies
JLCDA-E - Life threatening allergies
JLCE - First aid and emergency medical care
JLCF - Automated external defibrillators
JLDAA - Confidentiality of student communications
JLDBA-E - Counseling Team memory aid
JLDBAA - Aftermath of a suicide
JLG - Child in need of services (CHINS)
JM - Student awards and scholarships
JP - Student gifts and soliciations
Section K - Community Relations
KBA - School/parent relations goals
KBBA - Non-custodial parent's rights
KBE - Relations with parent/booster organizations
KFB - Interpreter and translator support services for students and parent/guardians
KCD - Public gifts to the schools
KDC - Community Use of Digital Resources
KDCB - District Website and Social Media
KDD - News media relations/news releases
KEB - Public complaints about school personnel
KEB-R - Public complaints about school personnel
KEC - Public complaints about the curriculum or instructional materials
KF- Community use of school facilities
KF-E - Application for the use of school facilities
KG - Business and industry involvement in education
KHA - Sales and solicitations in schools
KHB - Advertising in the schools
KHC-E - Distribution approval form
KLG - Relations with police authorities