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Rob King

Technology Director
Holbrook School District

Dan Lopez

IT Specialist
Holbrook School District


Family Technology Resources

Welcome to the Holbrook Public Schools' family technology webpage!  Here you will find resources for the Aspen Family Portal, 1:1 Mobile Device Initiative and for devices in general.

If you need support or report problems with your technology, please send email to

Aspen Family Portal

Aspen is the school district's Student Information System. The family portal will allow parents/guardians to view student information such as demographics, schedules, and grades.

Click here to navigate to Aspen.->

Create an Aspen Account

Video tutorial for creating an Aspen account

Create an Aspen Account  Recover Aspen Password

Recover an Aspen password

1:1 Mobile Device Program

All students in grades PreK through 12 are eligible for the 1:1 Mobile Device Program. To be assigned a device for the school year, students (grade 6 to 12) and parents (grade Prek to 12) must fill out and submit the form below.

If you need support please send email to


Student 1:1 Mobile Device Program Contract

Technology Repairs