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Special Education

Robert Compton

Director of Special Education and Director of Pupil Personnel Services
Holbrook School District

Cheryl Flynn

Out-of-District Coordinator and Preschool Liaison
Holbrook School District

Kristen Foley

Special Education Administrative Assistant
Holbrook School District
Special Education Department
Child Find

Special Education Student Find

As part of our on-going Student Find Procedures, the Special Education Department has drafted a press release to inform parents and care providers of Holbrook Public Schools' responsibility to identify, evaluate, and service all children in our district who may be eligible for special education or related services, regardless of their enrollment in the Holbrook Public Schools.

The Holbrook Public School addresses all disabilities.

It is the responsibility of the Holbrook Public School Department to identify any child who is a resident of Holbrook, who may have a disability, regardless of the severity of the disability.  It is also the responsibility of the Holbrook Public Schools to evaluate those students to determine which are eligible for special education of related services under IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) or 603 CMR 28 (Massachusetts Special Education Regulations).

The Holbrook Public Schools are committed to locating children before their third birthday in order to provide early intervention services for three and four year olds.  If you have questions or concerns regarding your child's development and would like to have him/her screened, please call Robert Compton for an appointment at (781) 767-1226 ext. 21531.

If you believe that your child should be evaluated to determine eligibility for special education services, please request this in writing.  Include your child's name, address, date of birth, telephone number, with a brief description of your concerns to the Principal of your child's school.  

John F. Kennedy School (781) 767-4600

Holbrook Middle High School (781) 767-4616

Parents/ Guardians may make a referral for a special education evaluation at any time. Any person in a caregiving capacity in relation to the student may make such a referral. Most referrals are made because of a real concern that a student may have a disability and some referrals are made because of certain knowledge that a student has a disability. Some students with disabilities are particularly vulnerable to lost educational opportunities if their disabilities are not promptly identified and provided with intervention. Special education was designed to serve students with disabilities so that such students are able to have the same full educational opportunities as their non-disabled peers.