245 South Franklin Street, Holbrook, MA 02343
The Holbrook Public School District requests all public records and
Freedom of Information requests be in writing.
In accordance with the amended state public records law, Chapter 121 of the Acts of 2016, the Holbrook School District has designated the below individuals, as Co-Records Access Officers (RAO's) who are responsible for responding to public records requests:
Co-Records Access Officers (RAO's)
Bridget Baker
Please address written requests to:
Ms. Christine Suckow
Ms. Bridget Baker
Co-Records Access Officers
Holbrook Public Schools
245 So. Franklin Street
Holbrook, MA 02343
Education Verifications and Transcript Requests
Please note education verifications and transcript requests are not public records requests.
Please contact the below individuals for assistance:
HMHS (Grades 6-12) - Ms. Moriarty
JFK (Grades PK-5) - Ms. Franchi